We’re very proud to have designed and fabricated the puppets for this wonderful new educational children’s show, produced by renowned creators Tim McKeon and Sesame Workshop for Apple TV. The show has garnered five Emmy nominations, including Monkey Boys Productions’ first, in the category of Special Effects – Costume, Makeup, Hairstyling!
Project Managers: Jean Marie Keevins, Betsy Falk
Lead Fabricators: James Godwin, Cedwan Hooks, James Wojtal, Michelle Yeager
Fabrication Team: Terri Aluise, Susie Benitez, Katie Brown, Dan Cook, Lyssa Current, Rya DeMulder, Deb Glassberg, Keith Lambert, Meg Lemieur, Kim Lettiere, Josh Lownes, Laura Manns, Mark Mariani, Anna O’Brien, Dylan Pecora, Beth Quinn, Bridget Reilly Beauchamp, Lauren Salvo, Val Scarfone, Zach Stock, David Valentine, Meredith Weiner, Essie Windham, Eric Wright