Saturday Night Live Monkey Boys Productions is proud to have provided several props and puppets for the renowned comedy show. Recently, we fabricated the demon hedgehog cake for Eddie Murphy’s SNL return, an enormous talking toilet for John Mulaney’s “Bodega...
Funny Girl Revival When Prop Master Ray Wetmore needed an ensemble’s worth of unbreakable hand mirrors, he knew just who to call. These mirrors may look just like the one your granny had on her vanity, but these stand up to 8 shows a week! Funny Girl Revival on...
Grubhub Boxes We built these real-world functioning League of Legends/Grubhub Hex Chests that were sent out as gifts to some of the biggest names in esports. Grubhub Hextech Chest Lead Fabricators: Michelle Yeager, Val Scarfone Centanni Fabrication Team:...
The Music Man on Broadway Props Guru Ray Wetmore knew MBP would “know the territory” when he asked us to make some dance-safe suitcases and to get the Wells Fargo horse ready for its Broadway debut. The Music Man Lead Fabricators: KT Brown, Michael Latini...
Virgin Cruise Lines Virgin Cruise Lines wanted multiple giant conversation heart pinatas that could withstand reuse and the rigors of life aboard ship, and Ray Wetmore once again knew just who to call (and text!). Fabrication Team: Fred DiMeglio, Eric...
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