Ben in the Desert This Star Wars parody, tells the story of Obi-Wan ‘Ben’ Kenobi’s time on Tatooine, between Episodes III & IV. Written by frequent Monkey Boys Collaborator, Kevin Kelly, Ben in the Dessert is a hilarious look into the frustrating life of a Jedi...
Welcome to Anhedonia Welcome to Anhedonia is Kevin Kelly’s answer to alternative television comedy, and Monkey Boys Productions couldn’t be prouder to be a co-producer on this project. Welcome to Anhedonia takes us into the world of Jef and his disturbed roommates,...
Stormy and Baker Stormy and Baker is a webseries that Monkey Boys Productions co-produced for YouTube’s The Fred Channel. Created by Kevin Kelly, Stormy and Baker is your guide to surviving the never-ending terrors of middle school. BACK TO...
Tiki Island A half-hour show for ages pre-school to 3rd grade, that helps with conflict resolution by celebrating differences in culture and individuality. Created by Scott Hitz and Monkey Boys Productions, The show uses puppets, animation, and music to tell its...
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